Do I have a broken BT-200? How can I check if BT-200 is working?

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Do I have a broken BT-200? How can I check if BT-200 is working?

Post by 1ph »

I can't activate the BT-200 Bias-tee Low Noise Amplifier. When I run the command "set bias-tee rx on" the board stops responding. Do I have a broken BT-200? Or am I doing something wrong? How can I check if BT-200 is working?

Code: Select all

# bladeRF-cli -l hostedxA9-latest.rbf
Loading FPGA...
Successfully loaded FPGA bitstream!
# bladeRF-cli -i

bladeRF> version

  bladeRF-cli version:        1.9.0-git-cf181d04
  libbladeRF version:         2.5.0-git-cf181d04

  Firmware version:           2.4.0-git-a3d5c55f
  FPGA version:               0.14.0 (configured by USB host)

bladeRF> info

  Board:                    Nuand bladeRF 2.0 (bladerf2)
  VCTCXO DAC calibration:   0x210b
  FPGA size:                301 KLE
  FPGA loaded:              yes
  Flash size:               128 Mbit
  USB bus:                  1
  USB address:              5
  USB speed:                Hi-Speed
  Backend:                  libusb
  Instance:                 0

bladeRF> print

  RX1 Bandwidth:  18000000 Hz (Range: [200000, 56000000])
  RX2 Bandwidth:  18000000 Hz (Range: [200000, 56000000])
  TX1 Bandwidth:  18000000 Hz (Range: [200000, 56000000])
  TX2 Bandwidth:  18000000 Hz (Range: [200000, 56000000])

  RX1 Frequency: 2400000000 Hz (Range: [70000000, 6000000000])
  RX2 Frequency: 2400000000 Hz (Range: [70000000, 6000000000])
  TX1 Frequency: 2400000000 Hz (Range: [47000000, 6000000000])
  TX2 Frequency: 2400000000 Hz (Range: [47000000, 6000000000])

  Tuning Mode: Host

  Bit Mode: 16 bit samples

  Feature:  Default enabled

  RX1 AGC: Enabled
  RX2 AGC: Enabled

  Clock reference: none
  Clock input:     Onboard VCTCXO
  Clock output:    Disabled

  RX1 RSSI: preamble = 0 dB, symbol = -105 dB
  RX2 RSSI: preamble = 0 dB, symbol = -108 dB

  Loopback mode: none

  RX mux: BASEBAND - Baseband samples

  RX FIR Filter: normal (default)
  TX FIR Filter: bypass (default)

  Gain RX1 overall:   60 dB (Range: [-15, 60])
              full:   71 dB (Range: [-4, 71])
  Gain RX2 overall:   60 dB (Range: [-15, 60])
              full:   71 dB (Range: [-4, 71])
  Gain TX1 overall:   56 dB (Range: [-23.75, 66])
               dsa:  -90 dB (Range: [-89.75, 0])
  Gain TX2 overall:   56 dB (Range: [-23.75, 66])
               dsa:  -90 dB (Range: [-89.75, 0])

  RX1 sample rate: 30720000 0/1 (Range: [520834, 122880000])
  RX2 sample rate: 30720000 0/1 (Range: [520834, 122880000])
  TX1 sample rate: 30720000 0/1 (Range: [520834, 122880000])
  TX2 sample rate: 30720000 0/1 (Range: [520834, 122880000])

  Bias Tee (RX1): off
  Bias Tee (RX2): off
  Bias Tee (TX1): off
  Bias Tee (TX2): off

  Current VCTCXO trim: 0x210b
  Stored VCTCXO trim:  0x210b

  Hardware status:
    RFIC status:
      Tuning Mode:  Host
      Temperature:  18.4 degrees C
      CTRL_OUT:     0xf8 (0x035=0x00, 0x036=0xff)
    Power source:   DC Barrel
    Power monitor:  4.8 V, 0.64 A, 3.08 W
    RF routing:
      RX1: RFIC 0x0 (A_BAL  ) <= SW 0x0 (OPEN   )
      RX2: RFIC 0x0 (A_BAL  ) <= SW 0x0 (OPEN   )
      TX1: RFIC 0x0 (TXA    ) => SW 0x0 (OPEN   )
      TX2: RFIC 0x0 (TXA    ) => SW 0x0 (OPEN   )

bladeRF> set biastee rx on

[ERROR @ host/libraries/libbladeRF/src/backend/usb/nios_access.c:77] Failed to receive NIOS II response: No devices available
[ERROR @ host/libraries/libbladeRF/src/board/bladerf2/bladerf2.c:3012] bladerf_set_bias_tee: dev->backend->rffe_control_write(dev, reg) failed: No devices available

  Error: No devices available

bladeRF> ^C[ERROR @ host/libraries/libbladeRF/src/backend/usb/nios_access.c:68] Failed to send NIOS II request: No devices available
[ERROR @ host/libraries/libbladeRF/src/backend/usb/nios_access.c:68] Failed to send NIOS II request: No devices available
[ERROR @ host/libraries/libbladeRF/src/backend/usb/nios_access.c:68] Failed to send NIOS II request: No devices available
[ERROR @ host/libraries/libbladeRF/src/board/bladerf2/rfic_host.c:167] _rfic_host_deinitialize: dev->backend->rffe_control_read(dev, &reg) failed: No devices available
[ERROR @ host/libraries/libbladeRF/src/backend/usb/usb.c:238] Failed to switch to NULL interface: No devices available
[ERROR @ host/libraries/libbladeRF/src/backend/usb/libusb.c:694] Failed to release interface: LIBUSB_ERROR_NO_DEVICE
bladeRF-cli: ../../libusb/os/threads_posix.h:58: usbi_mutex_destroy: Assertion `pthread_mutex_destroy(mutex) == 0' failed.

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Re: Do I have a broken BT-200? How can I check if BT-200 is working?

Post by idealannounce »

The same for me. I'm unable to turn on the BT-200 Bias-tee Low Noise Amplifier.
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Re: Do I have a broken BT-200? How can I check if BT-200 is working?

Post by stewclatter »

I have the same problem, BT-200 is not working, did you solve this problem?
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Re: Do I have a broken BT-200? How can I check if BT-200 is working?

Post by robert.ghilduta »

We've fielded a few of these questions via email. For posterity's sake: please ensure the bladeRF 2.0 has sufficient power. The bladeRF 2.0 micro should be connected via USB 3.0/3.1 SuperSpeed. If you are running on Linux, check dmesg to ensure that the bladeRF is not being stopped by the hub, some USB hubs and port controllers may decide to limit the amount of power they output to USB devices, especially under heavy load (like when webcams/etc are plugged in).
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Re: Do I have a broken BT-200? How can I check if BT-200 is working?

Post by salmawisoky »

I'm unable to turn on the BT-200 Bias-tee Low Noise Amplifier. Drift Boss
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Re: Do I have a broken BT-200? How can I check if BT-200 is working?

Post by approvaltrivial »

If the BladeRF stops responding after running the command,drift hunters check for any error messages or logs that might provide information about the issue. This information can be valuable for diagnosing the problem.
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