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Trouble Generating a 1MHz TX Cosine Signal on bladeRF xa4 2.0 in GNU Radio - Need Help

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:47 am
by sdrdrvrh
Hello everyone,

I'm currently working with the bladeRF xa4 2.0 in GNU Radio, attempting to create a simple TX cosine signal with a frequency of 1MHz. However, I'm facing difficulties as I can't see the peak at 900MHz on the spectral analyzer.

I have both the bladeRF and the spectral analyzer connected to an antenna for 900MHz, and they are approximately 2 meters apart. The project launches without any errors.

I'm attaching a sketch with my current settings for reference. If anyone has encountered a similar issue or can provide guidance on what might be going wrong, I would greatly appreciate your input.


Thanks in advance for your help!