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Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 10:27 am
by Montezuma
Well, I guess the bladeRF came out just a little too early(I'm kidding, of course, I like the board so much that I plan on buying a few more, at the very least). Lime Micro is going to release a second generation chip, the LMS7002M(here: and here: ... minary.pdf). It covers ranges from 50 MHz to 3.8 GHz, offers 2x2 MIMO(this chip in an upgraded bladeRF design might provide for a far easier implementation of 4x4 MIMO), and 330 mW output in SISO, and 550 mW output in MIMO configuration. I also read elsewhere(possibly eetimes, but I can't recall at this moment) that the LMS7002M will offer 108 MHz of RF modulation bandwidths/54 MHz baseband IQ bandwidth(though, I also read it was going to offer 56 MHz of bandwidth, but I might be mixing this chip's specs to Analog Devices' AD9361; I so want some SDRs with that chip, too. The Lime Micro(LM) and Analog Devices(ADI) chips cover two sides of the SDR market, with the LM chip being more affordable and the ADI chip not as much). I cannot wait to see what options come next.

From some of the reading I did last night(which I drifted in and out of sleep during, as I am deathly sick), the LMS7002M chip is going to be offered at the same price point as the LMS6002D($110, if memory serves correct, compared to the AD9361's sample price of $341, or $175 for lot of 1,000 and up). The LMS7002M is also supposed to offer an easy transition for those that are building boards for LMS6002Ds, but I cannot remember which of the articles I read that in. I found the articles by search Google for "LMS7002M", and I read the all of the first two pages.