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BladeRF continuous sine signal generation

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 6:26 pm
by dapengge

I would like to use BladeRF to send continuous sine signal.

I saw there are couple of methods to send sine signal. All of them use pre-generated signal file as samples. That is not what I want.

I would like to use BladeRF itself generating continuous sine signal, changing with time.

Does anyone have some ideas ?

Thanks !

Re: BladeRF continuous sine signal generation

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 10:29 am
by bglod
I am not quite sure what, exactly, you are asking.

If you want just a tone that's at the carrier frequency, you can transmit I and Q with a value of 2047 over and over. If you want a tone that is offset from the carrier, you'd have to generate the I and Q samples such that, when repeated, will not have discontinuities. Then you transmit that sample set repeatedly. The sample set can be generated and saved off to a .csv to be repeatedly read by the bladeRF-cli. That is the easiest thing to do. You can also do this through MATLAB and bypass the file I/O, or using the libbladeRF C API in a custom C program.

If you want the bladeRF to just do this continuously without the host sending samples down, you'd have to modify the Nios or the HDL code to store these static I and Q values, and continuously transmit them. You would also have to modify the Nios or HDL to handle the tuning of the LMS so it outputs at the expected frequency.

Re: BladeRF continuous sine signal generation

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2016 1:16 pm
by dapengge

I understand what you are saying and I will give it a try.