GPIO pins on BladeRF x40

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GPIO pins on BladeRF x40

Post by ferdinandvv30 »

I am trying to take an output (logic 1 or 0) from an Arduino-board and use it as an input on my BladeRF and process that input and transmit a message accordingly. However, I am not sure how to take an input on my bladeRF. I have seen the xb-100 expansion boards, but they are very expensive and I can't afford it at this time. Is there maybe a way to utilize any of the JTAG (or other) pins for (I2C/SPI/GPIO etc)?

I am using the BladeRF x40 Rev. 2.
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Re: GPIO pins on BladeRF x40

Post by robert.ghilduta »

There should be 2 available pins on the "Mini Exp" header, please take a look at the bladeRF x40 schematic:
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